Hyper-V & Oracle VM VirtualBox
Why Hyper-V:
- Save money (cooling, warranty... etc.)
- Save power
- Save space
Think you need 6 server. You can do it only with 2 servers.
2 X (1 server + 2 Hyper-V Server=3 Server)
To see your computer is available for Hyper-V:
Run cmd to reach command prompt. Run systeminfo command! Check the below of the results. 4 of them should be YES.
If not, check solutions online it might be BIOS settings. The 2nd one is NO for my computer. When I go to BIOS settings Security>Virtualization. I saw it is disabled! I switched it to Enable; then it worked!
Enable Hyper-V on Win 10
Via Power Shell Code:Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All
Via Control Panel (Settings):
- Right click on the Windows button and select ‘Apps and Features’.
- Select Turn Windows Features on or off.
- Select Hyper-V and click OK.
Then, your computer will be restarted.
To reach hyper-v; Go Windows Administrative Tools>Hyper-V Manager.
Under Actions; click on the "Quick Create..." and create a virtual OS. I choose Ubuntu.
To reach hyper-v; Go Windows Administrative Tools>Hyper-V Manager.
Under Actions; click on the "Quick Create..." and create a virtual OS. I choose Ubuntu.
Enable Hyper-V on Server 2016
Go "Add Roles and features". Check Hyper-V option and click on the next.
Oracle VM VirtualBox
Also, you can use Oracle virtual box to create virtual machine. (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) Just download it and install it.
Please you may need to enable virtualization on BIOS settings. If your computer's Hyper-V feature is ON, virtual box 64-bit option may not show up. (I used my 2 days to solve this issue. :) )
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Hyper-V. I recommend to check this webpage about types of hypervisors.