- Don't repeat any code! If you do that, there is something wrong. Don't dry (don't repeat yourself)
print ('Hello World')
print(f"{kind} kilos ") # kind is a variable which defined before.
name= input (' What is your name? ')
str: All input are str (default). You need to convert them int or float to make calculation
' ' '
You can write whatever you want here
' ' '
word= "Python and Mr.G"
print (word[0:4]) ==> Pyth
0 is P.
4 is o. But the last one is excluded.
print (word[2]) ==> t
print (word[-1]) ==> G
print (word[2:5]) ==> tho
print(word[1:-1]) ==> ython and Mr.
Function = Methods
message.upper() # to convert to uppercase
message.lower() # to convert to lowercase
message.title() # to capitalize the first letter of every word
message.find(‘p’) # returns the index of the first occurrence of p (or -1 if not found)
message.replace(‘p’, ‘q’)
Arithmetic Operations
/ # returns a float
// # returns an int
% # returns the remainder of division
** # exponentiation - x ** y = x to the power of y
x=x+3 is same as x+=3
x=x-3 is same as x-=3
Import any module
If you want to import math module; just type import module_name
For Ex:
import math
Then call function like math.function_name ex: math.floor (2.8) => result is 2.
*search python3 math module on Google to see more
if # Don't forget to put : after if
elif # it means else if
else # when it catches if; it goes out of if statement
# Feel free to use "and" & "or" & "and not" & "if not" to conditional usage. and&or must be lower case, not upper case!
# You can put another if in the if statement.
number = input ("put a number==> ")
if b>300:
print("number is bigger 300")
elif b<200 and b>100:
print("number you entered is between 100 and 200")
Note: if start: is equal to if start == True:
Comparison operators
a > b
a >= b (greater than or equal to)
a < b
a <= b
a == b (equals)
a != b (not equals)
While LOOP
It is a loop.
break # it breaks while loop. It means the code goes the end of the while loop. If you use break function in while you can use "while:True" as a statement. If you don't put break, it goes forever.
else # else may be used for while loop as well!
for LOOP
It is a loop.
for a in (1,2,3):
for a in range (1,10):
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